Promoting wellness through healing therapies


Bring balance to your life.

Through energy healing such as Reiki, and the touch modalities of Reflexology and Massage Tina is able to help you bring balance and well-being back into your life.

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Tina offers a wide selection of healing therapies

Through energy healing such as Reiki, and the touch modalities of Reflexology and Massage Tina is able to help you bring balance and well-being back into your life.



Thai, Ingham, Universal & Oriental

Natural healing technique with pressure to reflex points in hands & feet.

Stimulating the body’s natural healing power to restore & maintain the body’s balance by improving circulation, alleviating tension and removing blockages in the body which can interfere with the natural flow of energy which is said to flow in and out of Chakras in a rhythmic wave. 

  • Help relieve stress & tension by releasing endorphins. [happy hormones]
  • Help stimulate nerves & break down crystal deposits improving energy flow.
  • Help improve concentration and provide a feeling of well being.
  • Help improve blood supply, circulation and the removal of toxins.
  • Help ease tension and pressure on the nerves and blood vessels.
  • Helps restore the natural balance of energy channels to improve sleep.
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0438 153 563


Universal Life Energy

  • Helps relieve stress, illness & injury
  • Helps treat/prevent symptoms of disease
  • Helps boost the immune system
  • Helps relaxation & stress relief
  • Helps the body heal itself
  • Helps enhance mental clarity, self esteem, inner peace & conscious awareness
  • Helps bring greater positive balance & harmony to all aspects of your life.

I teach REIKI. For REIKI courses email me for details.

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0438 153 563

Chakra Balancing

Chakras are Entry Gates of the Aura.

Within the physical body resides a body double, a spiritual body, that contains the Chakras. The word Chakra in Sanscrit translates to wheel or disc. They are centres of activity that receives, assimilates and expresses life force energy. They are responsible for the person's physical, mental, and spiritual functions.

The most significant ones are the Seven Main Chakras located along the central line of the body, from the base of the spine to the top of the head. They are located in the ethereal body and they express the embodiment of spiritual energy on the physical plane.

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0438 153 563
Swedish massage

Swedish Massage

Swedish massage technique is to relax the entire body.

By rubbing the muscles with long gliding strokes in the direction of blood returning to the heart. But Swedish massage therapy goes beyond relaxation. Swedish massage is exceptionally beneficial for increasing the level of oxygen in the blood, decreasing muscle toxins, improving circulation and flexibility while easing tension.

  • Relieves stress
  • Encourages relaxation
  • Helps manage pain
  • Relaxes muscles
  • Improves flexibility and range of motion
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0438 153 563

Lymphatic Massage

Lymphatic Massage - Lymfatics Alive Technique - Chelsey Jean Method

The lymphatic system consists of lymph vessels ,ducts, nodes & other tissues and is located underneath the skin. Your lymphatic system helps eliminate your body’s waste, whether its toxins , bacteria or excess fluid that moves through the arteries & tissues to clean them out before draining them through the lymphatic system.

However surgery ,medical conditions or other damage can cause fluids to build up in your lymph system and your lymph nodes , a condition known as Lymphedema. A lymphatic drainage massage can get the lymph fluid moving from blocked areas into the organs that can properly remove them .

The relaxing practice is often used to treat acne , cellulite ,digestive issues , puffiness , stress , inflammation , insomnia , migraines , and a certain health complications .

As well as:

  • fight off infection
  • Reduce water retention
  • Boost weight loss
  • Improve cellulite , skin swelling ,scar tissue ,acne and stretch marks.
  • Reduce stress & fatigue
  • Help with post – exercise recovery
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0438 153 563
Deep tissue massage

Deep Tissue Massage

Deep tissue massage therapy

A type of massage therapy that focuses on realigning deeper layers of muscles & connective tissue. Usually focusing on chronic muscle pain, injury rehabilitation and :

  • Chronic pain
  • Lower back pain & Limited mobility
  • Recovery from injuries (whiplash, falls, sports injury)
  • Repetitive strain injury, such as carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Postural problems
  • Muscle tension, hamstrings, glutes, IT band, legs, quadriceps, rhomboids, upper back
  • Osteoarthritis pain, Sciatica and Piriformis syndrome
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0438 153 563


Popular Treatments




$ 75

Includes: Hand &/or Foot Massage




$ 75

Includes: Hands On or Off Chakra Balance

Swedish massage



$ 75

Includes: Swedish or Deep Tissue


Lymphatic Massage


$ 75
  • Lymph Massage
  • Lymph System
Deep tissue massage

Healing Package 1


$ 115
  • Massage/ Reflexology
  • Plus Intuitive Guidence
chakra balancing

Healing Package 2


$ 115
  • Reiki / Reflexology
  • Plus Intuitive Guidance

Reiki Courses

All levels of Reiki teachings

Through energy healing such as Reiki, and the touch modalities of Reflexology and Massage I am able to help you bring balance and well-being back into your life.


1st Degree Reiki

Reiki means “Universal Life Force “ in and is a spiritual healing modality.

In this 2 day course, you will learn to access and use this energy to help heal yourself and your loved ones.

Deep inner changes & personal transformation is often experienced during and after the course.

  • Manual and a certificate are provided.
  • A $50 deposit is required to register.
  • COST $300
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0438 153 563

2nd Degree- Sacred Symbols

Two day course.

You will work with Sacred Symbols in this Practitioner level course. You will learn how to perform Absent healings.

You will also continue on your path of self-mastery with awareness.

  • Manual and Certificate provided.
  • A $50 deposit is required to register.
  • COST $400
  • Pre-requisite: Reiki 1
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0438 153 563

3rd Degree - Practitioner Teachings

Practitioner Inner Advanced Teachings

Reiki 3A is a preparatory course for those who are considering Reiki Master-Teacher Degree.

You will be introduced to more sacred symbols which will assist you to reach greater depth in your spiritual life.

  • Manual and certificate provided.
  • A $50 deposit is required to register.
  • COST $500
  • Pre-requisite: Reiki 2
Book an Appointment
0438 153 563

Reiki Master Teacher

This intense course will take you on a personal, spiritual pilgrimage as you work with the sacred Reiki teachings.

The duration of this course is reliant on your journey.

Expect a minimum of 6 months to a maximum of 1 year.

  • PRE-REQUISITE : Reiki 3A
Book an Appointment
0438 153 563


Wear light comfortable clothes & bring a light lunch. Nibbles, tea, coffee, etc.. are provided.
All accounts to be finalised before the start time. 9.30 am SHARP start, finished by 5 pm.


Check Tina's schedule for available appointments

Appointment Times

You can request appointments by clicking on your preferred date in the calendar and Tina  will get back to you to confirm.

Or phone: 0438 153 563

Closed: Saturday, Sunday & Monday

reflexology reiki massage
June 2024
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun


About Tina

Tina is a professionally trained & experienced healing therapist.

tina green 1

Healing and helping others is an important and significant part of my life. Through energy healing such as Reiki, and the touch modalities of Reflexology and Massage I am able to help you bring balance and well-being back into your life.

My journey of self-discovery, healing and helping others, as well as myself, started in 2005 when I was introduced to Reiki. Reiki has made a profound difference to my life and I continued on to become a Reiki Master/Teacher. Reiki and my passion for helping others also led me to become a qualified Reflexologist and Massage therapist, enabling me to offer my clients truly holistic treatments.

My journey also includes daily meditation which enables me to know myself and my abilities, and helps me to intuitively guide others. I hold meditation classes and workshops which are suitable for all age groups including children. All are welcome to join, whether beginner or experienced at meditation.

My experience with Reiki and helping others has brought me great joy and peace. I hope to inspire many to live their truth and to make the changes in their lives that they need to create their own peace and joy; to be the light, loving and happy person they are meant to be.

Professional Qualifications

Competencies – professional memberships – insurance

  • Cert 4 In Massage
  • Reflexology Diploma
  • First Aid & CPR Certificate
  • Blue Card for working with children
  • Member of Reiki Australia
  • Member of The Australian Reiki Connection
  • Member of Reflexology Association of Australia
  • Current Professional Indemnity Insurance


What clients say...

Linda Parker Gold Coast

Tina is dedicated to make a difference. Tina has developed her acute innate abilities. This along with her commitment to refining her learning skills means that the services she offers are of a high standard. Her knowledge is noteworthy and admired.

S.V.G. Gold Coast

Tina was very professional and caring before, during and after the treatments. We discussed the treatments after each session and Tina explained some of the pain areas and what it related to, not just physical but also emotional. Tina thank you so much for the treatments and I wish you all the best with your new venture as a Therapist in the Natural Therapies World.

M.V. Gold Coast

Hi Tina, thank you for all of the reflexology treatments that you have given me. All of your treatments are great, very relaxing and also insightful. You picked up on issues that I am experiencing within my body and also intuitively with my energy. You are a natural healer and bring much more to your treatments with you healing abilities and with your energy work. I always left you feeling more positive and light. I look forward to future treatments with you and will highly recommend you. Thank you once again.

C.S . Gold Coast

Tina is amazing! The most loveliest gentle soul I have ever met 😊. The vibe is high. Even just walking in the front door. 5 Stars.

A.N. Gold Coast

5 Stars, this is a must do experience! Tina is amazing! She is a very experienced therapist with a calming and gentle personality to match. I highly recommend adding Tina to your regular holistic routine!

    Contact Tina

    Tina would love to hear from you

    Please contact Tina with any questions or simply for more information.

    Professionally trained & experienced healing therapist.


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